Pastoral Recommendation "*" indicates required fields Please complete this form very carefully and thoroughly. Very serious consideration will be given to your evaluation of this prospective student. All of this information will be held strictly confidential and will not be released to the student.Applicant's Name* First Last Applicant's Email* Application for:* Supernatural Helps (Year One) Advanced Survival Techniques (Year Two) Ministerial Practicalities (Year Three) Personal InformationYour Name* PastorRev.Dr.Bishop Prefix First Last Your Email Church Name* Church Phone*Are you a licensed or ordained minister?* Licensed Ordained Neither If yes, through whom?* How long have you known the applicant?* Applicant's Character EvaluationFaithfulness* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Honesty* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Self-confidence* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Leadership capability* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Personal appearance* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Personal motivation* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown To your knowledge, is the applicant:Born Again?* Yes No Unknown Called to the "Fivefold Ministry"?* Yes No Unknown Involved in the "Ministry of Helps"?* Yes No Unknown To what degree?*As a pastor, please indicate the applicant's performance in the areas of:Submission* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Commitment* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Response to discipline* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Carrying out orders and assignments* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown Following leadership* Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown How does the applicant influence others?* Positively Neutrally Negatively Unknown CommentsHave you ever known the applicant to engage in questionable moral conduct?* Yes No Please explain:* To your knowledge, does the applicant:* Smoke Drink Use illegal drugs None Comments: Do you feel this specialized training would be beneficial to the applicant's ministry at this time?* Yes No Comments: What are the applicant's strong points?* What are the applicant's weak points?* Does the applicant have any special needs or situations? Do you have any personal comments you'd like to make as the applicant's pastor? Do you approve of the applicant attending SMTI?* Yes No What course do you recommend the applicant attend?* Need additional information Supernatural Helps (Year One) Advanced Survival Techniques (Year Two) Ministerial Practicalities (Year Three) 67967